All About Ella

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Product Description

Sam is sick, and Ella is sick of Sam. Life seems to revolve around his hospital appointments, his medication and his need for peace and quiet. No one thinks about what Ella wants or needs, no one cares. They don't even know what day she was born on. In the end, Ella decides she doesn't care if Sam gets sicker, but when it happens, she finds she cares an awful lot....

Other Details

Sally Nicholls
Hannah Coulson


  • 4
    siblings, family, love, illness, care, jealousy

    Posted by Novel Insight Reviews on 15th Jun 2022

    After reading a poem, Monday's Child, at school, Ella wants to know what child she is, but no one seems to have time to tell her. With her brother Sam sick, Ella feels like her family has forgotten about her and doesn't care what she wants. Fed up, Ella declares that she hates him and wishes he was dead. The next day, no one is there to pick her up from school, and she finds out that Mum's at the hospital with Sam. Ella worries that it's her fault. When Dad arrives to pick Ella up, they drive to the hospital to visit Sam. On the way to see Sam, Dad takes Ella to the maternity ward and tells her how happy everyone was on the day she was born. He tells her that Sam gifted her a teddy, so Ella asks to buy Sam and her mother a present. In the end, Ella decides that it doesn't matter which day of the week she was born and that she really cares about her brother.