Bent World, Bright Wings

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Product Description

The stories in this volume explore the Jewish mindset of the first century, along with its traditions and worldview. They probe the depths of particular nuances behind the words of Jesus, showing how He crafted them to heal history—by deliberately visiting specific locations on very particular dates and engaging with carefully chosen individuals. Bent World, Bright Wings highlights the action of Jesus in two deeply defiled places, each weighed down by the massive spiritual payload that results from millennia of corruption. In one place, He simply spoke healing to the land; in the other, His actions were a direct challenge to the powers behind one of the greatest ruptures in human history. In doing so, He was overshadowed by the Father—as our bent world is now overshadowed by the bright wings of His Spirit.

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Anne Hamilton


  • 4
    healing history, healing land, healing people, recapitulation theory, atonement, transfiguration, disciples, psalm

    Posted by Novel Insight Reviews on 31st Dec 2019

    The four gospels in the Bible, written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, contain stories about Jesus and his life on Earth. From the perspective of Malchus, a servant of the high priest, learn about the significance of Jesus' conversations with his disciples in Caesarea, Philippi. From the perspective of the apostle John, learn about the transfiguration of Jesus.