Product Description
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coding, underground rebellion, faith, hope, dystopian, forgiveness, trust, reconciliation
With only 100 or so days left before they graduate, Flick notices something very strange in the coding exercise she’s been given. It seems to indicate that Supreme Lover Midgate is an AI, rather than a human. It soon becomes clear that she is being set up. Crucible has been waiting a long time for a way to retaliate against her and will do anything to ensure she never graduates. With just 75 days to go, her friends want to arrange an Exodus to get her to safety, but Flick is resistant. How can she leave when her goal of graduating is so very close? When Chief Danse and Loa are captured by the Love Squad, it is obvious the choice has been made for her. Flick can never go back to the dorms. She is the Songbook now, and it’s Melody’s job to keep her alive.